The Application Process
Key Information you need to know about our application process:
Step 1
To be considered for a grant from the Thomas C. Ackerman Foundation, an organization must initially submit an application online.
In addition, a program or organization must confirm that it meets the specific eligibility guidelines.
An application submitted by an organization or on behalf of any program that the Foundation, in its absolute discretion, determines for any reason not to be eligible or otherwise not qualified for funding will be rejected.
The application must describe the metrics to be used by an organization to measure or otherwise determine outcomes and results of the program and include any measurable outcomes achieved to date by the program. The Foundation does not view attendance or enrollment as an “outcome.”
Once submitted, the Application will be reviewed and considered by the Board of Directors at its next regularly scheduled board meeting. This review process normally takes between 6 and 12 weeks. Generally one of three decisions are made: an organization’s request may be turned down; an organization may be invited to submit a more extensive grant application; or an organization may be awarded a grant based on its initial application. All eligible organizations submitting an application will be informed of the Board’s decision by email within a reasonable time following the meeting of the Board at which the application was reviewed.
Step 2
1. Include verification that the charitable organization requesting the grant is at present a charitable organization under Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c)(3) and California & Revenue Taxation Code Section 2370d; copies of the determination letters from the Internal Revenue and Franchise Tax Board must accompany the initial request. The grant request must specify whether the requesting organization is a “public charity” (IRC §509(a)(1, 2 or 3) or a “private foundation.”
2. Provide a detailed budget of your organization and the specific project, including other sources of funding, noting whether such funding is committed, conditional, or potential.
3. Provide the latest Form 990 (Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax)
4. Provide financial statements, including income and expense statements (audited or reviewed, if available) for the past two years for your organization.
5. Provide a current list of the board of directors and officers of your organization, if applicable.
Now accepting applications for the 2025 grant cycle.
June 1, 2025
Conciseness and clarity are the most highly regarded attributes of a grant request.
A condition and requirement of every grant is the obligation and undertaking to provide the Foundation-within six (6) months of the date of grant-a progress report concerning the specific project, program, or other activity supported by the grant. A progress report is expected to be an accurate report of how the grant was expended, as well as an assessment and statistical details of the outcome(s) achieved. The analysis of outcomes should include, where possible, an identification of areas for improvement. The progress report must include the date of receipt of the grant award. In future grant-making considerations, the Board of Directors will take into account the failure of an organization to submit a progress report, as well as the submission of a progress report that is merely cursory in form.
If the Board desires further information following initial review of the request, the applicant will be contacted by a Foundation representative. Generally, a grant request received within 30 days of a Board meeting will be deferred for action until the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. Specific deadline dates for submitting grant applications are provided from time to time on this website.
An organization which receives a grant from the foundation must wait 24 months from funding date to submit a new request.